
  1. Turn on our distrubted objects name-server if it has not been done already. If you are about to run this command, do not close the terminal.

    $ python -m Pyro4.naming
  2. Open up another terminal and run our service, make sure we have the above code running before running the code below.

    $ python
  3. Open up another terminal and run the colling command to verify our service is working:

    $ pyro4-nsc list

Remote Service

This micro-service is found in the mikapod/ file and is responsible for polling the latest instrumentation data and saving it to our local persistent storage.

  1. While being logged in as pi run the following:

    $ sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/mikapod_remote.service
  2. Copy and paste the following contents.

    Description=Mikapod Remote Daemon
  3. We can now start the Gunicorn service we created and enable it so that it starts at boot:

    sudo systemctl start mikapod_remote
    sudo systemctl enable mikapod_remote
  4. Confirm our service is running.

    sudo systemctl status mikapod_remote.service
  5. If the service is working correctly you should see something like this at the bottom:

    raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Mikapod Remote Daemon.
  6. Congradulations, you have setup the remote micro-service! This service will be polling the latest local persistent storage data and submit it to the remote API web-service.

  7. If you see any problems, run the following service to see what is wrong. More information can be found in this article.

    sudo journalctl -u mikapod_remote